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Common questions
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers for the convenience of our students. If you don't find what you're looking for, contact us today and ask for help.
What is the difference between Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki and traditional Reiki?One of the main differences is that Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki goes back to the original format of Reiki that Dr. Usui used in Japan, a format where there are only two stages: the first stage is the initiation into the Reiki technique that enables the student practitioner to assist people. The second stage is the Reiki Masters for training future teachers. Today, traditional Reiki is separated into levels I, II, IIIA and IIIB (masters). In terms of levels, Unified Reiki would be the equivalent of levels I, II and IIIA of traditional Reiki. Another major difference is that the traditional Reiki symbols that had been lost were found and given an external structure called Mandalas. These mandalas are linked to the cosmic healers from Sirius and are used in Quantum Healing and Cellular Recoding® treatments. They are structures that create far-reaching quantum fields. They form levers, like surgical instruments, so that suffering and disconnection can be removed and the channels opened. These changes follow the guidelines of Sathya Sai Baba who created the Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai ® Circle. This is a radionic tool for erasing memories of suffering and distorted creations. Another difference is that traditional Reiki focuses mainly on helping the sick and self-help. Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai® is different: its main purpose is self-help, focusing on personal growth and self-transformation. Its results range from releasing suffering and pain that are interrupting the universal flow, opening the student's channels to receive higher frequencies, acting on their memories, erasing the crystallizations contained in the lower bodies, healing the feeling of primordial abandonment, purifying the energies in all realities or past lives, among many other benefits.
I don't have any traditional Reiki levels, can I do Unified Reiki?Of course it is. Unified Reiki is for all those who already have some level of traditional Reiki or no level at all, because in Unified Reiki there is no longer any separation between levels I, II and IIIA.
I'm already a Reiki practitioner, can I do Unified Reiki?Of course, it will even be great for your cells to receive the unique benefits of Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki. Unified Reiki is for all those who already have some level of traditional Reiki or no level at all, because in Unified Reiki there is no longer a separation between levels I, II and IIIA.
What is a Reiki initiation?Initiation is a process in which there is an attunement with the higher bodies of the student receiving it. This happens during a ritual, where the master opens the student's crown chakra to align their lower bodies with their higher ones. You will begin to vibrate and sustain a greater amount of energy in your physical, emotional and mental body. As you receive the Reiki symbols throughout your physical system, your cells begin to transmit a greater capacity for energy and to emanate energy through your hands. After the initiation, great changes begin to take place and your spiritual journey becomes lighter.
What are quantum mandalas?Quantum mandalas are potentializing prayer fields. They are fields that enhance the capacity and strength of whatever is placed within them. It can be an intention, a drawing, molecular structures of chemical formulas or a symbol. A symbolic explanation: when you connect a hose to a tap, it flows with pressure, but when you attach a pressure nozzle, the hose will send out precise jets to clean where it is most needed. Quantum mandalas focus and enhance what needs to be enhanced.
Can the Unified Reiki course be taken online?For us, Reiki can't be given online because of the initiation process involved here, one of the most important parts of the process. It is also very important to be in direct contact with the Reiki Master's energy field.
Can pregnant women do Reiki Sanathana Sai?Yes, it is possible because it will help with pregnancy. During the course, the baby also receives this healing process. It's also easy to do the practices after the course.
What is the difference between the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki Course and the Master's Degree?In the Sanathana Sai Reiki Master's Degree you are able to initiate other people. In the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki course, you can apply Reiki yourself, as well as to other people.
I don't want to be a Reiki therapist / apply Reiki to other people, can I take the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki Course?Of course, the main purpose of Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki is self-help, i.e. the process is focused on personal growth and self-transformation. Its results will release suffering and pain that are interrupting the flow of universal energy, opening your channels to receive higher frequencies. It will also act on your memories, erasing the crystallizations contained in the lower bodies. Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki is the Intelligent Cosmic energy that manifests unconscious qualities in the individual and reconnects with the higher bodies that have been disconnected. It breaks down space/time barriers, reprogramming your existence and re-establishing the bonds broken by forgetfulness.
I have levels I, II and IIIA of traditional Reiki. Do I need to do the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki or can I go for the Master's?Currently, you can go straight to the Master's degree. During the Master's training, you will be retrained in Levels I, II and IIIA and will also be able to teach the course. However, this may change depending on the guidance Isabel Otto receives from Sathya Sai Baba and Dr. Usui.
I've already taken the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki course. Can I do the Master's now?If you truly feel the call in your heart to initiate others into this Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki technique, you can progress to the Master's Degree after the 3-month integration and practice period.
I have level IIIB of Traditional Reiki, can I do the Sanathana Sai Reiki Master?If you feel an inner calling to initiate other people into the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki format, of course you can. If you choose Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai, after the initiation you will need to follow this new Unified Reiki format and not the traditional Reiki format (divided into stages / levels of training). You can only teach two types of course: (i) Unified Reiki Sanathana Sai and (ii) Master Reiki Sanathana Sai.
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