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Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki Master's Degree

Training for Reiki Teachers

The Sanathana Sai® Unified Reiki Master would be the equivalent of level IIIB of traditional Reiki.

The Sanathana Sai® Unified Reiki Master is a big commitment with many responsibilities. The Reiki Masters must dedicate themselves to keeping Reiki alive within themselves and to initiating others into this technique.


This course is for:

  1. Students of the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki Course who have completed it at least 3 months ago.

  2. Traditional Reiki IIIA students who finished at least 3 months ago.

  3. IIIB masters of traditional Reiki who wish to work with this new format of Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki.

Currently, those who have trained in levels IIIA and IIIB of traditional Reiki can go straight to the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki Masters. During the training, you will be retrained in levels I, II and IIIA, making you able to teach the course as well. However, this may change according to the guidance that Master Isabel Otto receives from Sathya Sai Baba and Dr. Usui.

Mandala do Reiki Unificado Sanathana Sai®

What the students say:

Taking the Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki course was a fresh start in my life path and in the Reiki path. I feel like I'm in transition. I've been a master for 15 years and a reiki practitioner for 18. I no longer feel tired after my initiation into Sanathana Sai Unified Reiki. And I feel calmer and more surrendered at the time of the Initiation.

Suzana Dharma

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